Lemonade Stand - before
What a beautiful weekend to introduce summer. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend ringing in all the fun and excitement of the summer weather. The Youth Villa Golf Tournament, working in the yard, planting some annuals, and Jackson and I had our first new spriggs in our garden from the sunflowers, (if you are thinking of doing any gardening with your kids - these sprout up in less than a week it was very exciting! Our organic tomoatoes havent sprouted and it's been over a month- not so fun for an impatient 6 yr old). On Saturday, Jackson had a friend over to play, also named Jackson, and we decided to make a lemonade stand. A neighborhood visit from the ice cream truck, found the Jackson's with too little $$ for 2 cones. These little entreprenuer's bartered the ice cream lady, for 2 cups of lemonade for a fair trade on a tasty treat. The boys quickly realized the *cost of living* had gone up and they needed to make more money, in case she frequented our neighborhood again! We enjoyed Jackson Morris and enjoyed BBQing with Wendy & Bret, (even though it was "mystery meat") later that afternoon.
What a beautiful weekend to introduce summer. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend ringing in all the fun and excitement of the summer weather. The Youth Villa Golf Tournament, working in the yard, planting some annuals, and Jackson and I had our first new spriggs in our garden from the sunflowers, (if you are thinking of doing any gardening with your kids - these sprout up in less than a week it was very exciting! Our organic tomoatoes havent sprouted and it's been over a month- not so fun for an impatient 6 yr old). On Saturday, Jackson had a friend over to play, also named Jackson, and we decided to make a lemonade stand. A neighborhood visit from the ice cream truck, found the Jackson's with too little $$ for 2 cones. These little entreprenuer's bartered the ice cream lady, for 2 cups of lemonade for a fair trade on a tasty treat. The boys quickly realized the *cost of living* had gone up and they needed to make more money, in case she frequented our neighborhood again! We enjoyed Jackson Morris and enjoyed BBQing with Wendy & Bret, (even though it was "mystery meat") later that afternoon.

Thanks again for the fun evening - the mystery meat was yummy!! Tell Justin-thanks for letting us win the first round of Blokus ~~ Game on!
well as long as you know he did LET you win. Though, I am not one to really emphasize that, but we really are good at the game Wendy and Bret - if that is your real name. I mean.. thanks we enjoyed it too :-) lololol
That pic is tooo cute, I love the added price increase due to inflation! I love you sis and we are only 43 hours away from our SATC PREMIER, how will I sleep at night!
That pic is tooo cute, I love the added price increase due to inflation! I love you sis and we are only 43 hours away from our SATC PREMIER, how will I sleep at night!
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