The fun has just begun, as we arrive today at our final destination in St. Mary's County Maryland, Justin's hometown. A roadtrip with my parents and grandparents in a multi-state caravan, we enjoyed the last 2 nights in Hilton Head, SC for little R & R before we finished the last leg of our trip, today. This should be quite an exciting week finished with a grande finale tournament, as Justin and friends (from both North and South) compete in the Southern Maryland Amatuer. This is the second time my parents have experienced what is fondly referred to a "the county" (whic is very similar to our beloved Polk County, but with more emphasis on the "neck"). St. Mary's claim to fame? It is home to more bars, per capita, than any other county in the US! Jackson and Dane are so excited to see their Noni (grandma), Aunt Alston, Aunt Lauren, Unlce Taylor, Nana and Pop Heimer, Unlce Phillip and Aunt Tara (aka the Monkey Family- whose ongoing competition with us Tigers is a serious pasttime whenever the South meets the North).
Above, you can preview our custom road-warrior apparel. Tiger Lily Designs will create the perfect ensemble for whatever your occasion... even if it is a 14 hour car ride, with soaring gas prices and two children under 7.
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