Are there any two greater words in life, what we all strive for, long for? To be unconditionally accepted? You CANNOT image the yelps, tears, gasps, and utter relief when my sisters vet school acceptance letter came in the mail today. After living, learning, studying, and struggling in Gainesville for the past 6 years, 3 degrees later, FINALLY my baby sister is gonna be a D.V.M. Her and her husband Chad, visited the Grand Cayman Islands last Spring and my sister is not only a Zoo Technology, Animal Sciences, Beef Cattle multi-degreed animal lover, but she has such a passion for animals. She volunteers for marine wildlife rescues, scuba dives as the care taker in Homassasa for manatees, and has earned multiple awards for beef cattle judging across the US, and simply was born to be a Vet. She is like the animal whisperer! In 5th grade all I wanted was my own phone line and the new Sam and Libby shoes or a pair of TH Jeans (it was the 80's people). All my sister wanted was to adopt an endangered manatee. Huh? This passionate 8 year old begged my parents to adopt this manatee, pay a monthly fee for the meds he needed. His name was Phillip! She continued to "Doctor" and carefor her many animals of course and has come to define my careing, compassionate, tree-hugging, baby sister. I am sooooo excited and proud of her and all her hard work. Saint Mathews in the Grand Caymen Islands is known for their sea turtle and manatee rescues as well as hands on small classes, a wonderful vet program coupled with the cultural experiences she and Chad will so enjoy. I can't wait to go move her in!!

Sissy, I can't believe how silly/wonderful and crazy/beautiful you are sometimes! I love the blog so much and can't thank you enough for the shout out...but Vet School Here I Come! Grand Cayman of BUST!
It is hard for me to admitt as a "non-believer" that I am addicted to reading your blog now! I check it often to see what craziness you will write about next! Now I know where the 300 hits a day come from.
P.S. I can't believe you remembered Philips name!
I am so excited about our trip! I could have blogged for days about YOU!! I kept having to backspace, so it wouldn't get out of control with stories, you know... sitting under Holly's belly to get out of the rain, expressing Belle's anal glands periodically ... yeah i could go on!!! and on!!! I am so proud of you sis - and taught you everything you know ahhahahhhaaaa XOOXOXOX love you to the moon!
Sissy, I can't believe how silly/wonderful and crazy/beautiful you are sometimes! I love the blog so much and can't thank you enough for the shout out...but Vet School Here I Come! Grand Cayman of BUST!
It is hard for me to admitt as a "non-believer" that I am addicted to reading your blog now! I check it often to see what craziness you will write about next! Now I know where the 300 hits a day come from.
P.S. I can't believe you remembered Philips name!
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