Jackson Morris' Mad Science Party!

MAd ScIeCnE PaRTy for Jackson Morris today was gooey fun! What a terrific concept and even betters- a real scientist taught us the laws of physics, bouyancy and suck in som elearning right before we made our own slime, climbed the rock wall, and enjoyed the moonwalk. What a great party!
Next it was a quick costume change for the next show. And a Japanese show it was. Inspired by my favorite pregnancy dish...sushi! (the non-dangerous variety) This costume seemed simple enough, in my mind, but was quite the task to construct and even more difficult to convince Dane, that in fact, it isn't dangerous. It was a cardboard shape that fit right over his head (pictured above)but he wasnt going for it when their music to dance to! Jackson's inflatable Sumo wrestler was also a hit and Mommy's Giesha Girl was very comfy! Regardless of Dane's absent costume (which left remnants of styrofome all over the country club) he continued to steal the show. He is a dancing fool and the members and guests just couldn't get enough! Each year we get the boys 2 costumes. They are so rough on the fabric, it's usually soiled or stained, after just one use. Besides, you simply can't be seen wearing the same outfit, to more than one engagement, in the same season :-) We are missing our Justin and can't wait to see him tomorrow. He was excited to see how our costumes turned out so I promised to post as soon as I got home. LYE
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