Caution, the following image is not for the queezy! My sister is absolutely loving vet school and the Caymans. They snorkel right outside their apartment every afternoon, and Chad's backyard tree, iguana count is officially at 6. Last week LuJean was so excited about their first labs. There is no way I could ever, I have such a weak tummy, but she was certainly meant to be a doctor. All throughout my life, I've always leaned on my sis for my own medical needs and yes even exams of sorts in a pinch. No comment Chad!! PS- Weeb, Justin says he has a dog he would like to donate for disections!
Oh my gosh that is the funniest post ever...it's so weird I dont see anything weird about that picture I am just so immune to it, so I thought nothing of putting it as my facebook default, and I got like 15 comments on how gross it was and I was like...what picture is gross???? LOL I guess that means I am in the right field! Lov you sis, your blog always make me laugh after a hard day!
Yeah you have definately crossed over to the dark side!!! Tug did think it was kinda cool though he was convinced the dog was "fake". MISS YOU!!! LOVE YOU SISSY!!! Tell Chad we love him too, OOOOH and i have been meaning to tell you that JAckson told J that Chad was the strongest boy in the whole world and next was justin. HAHAHA - of course justin was like "WHAT!!??" LOLOL xoxox
Yeah you have definately crossed over to the dark side!!! Tug did think it was kinda cool though he was convinced the dog was "fake". MISS YOU!!! LOVE YOU SISSY!!! Tell Chad we love him too, OOOOH and i have been meaning to tell you that JAckson told J that Chad was the strongest boy in the whole world and next was justin. HAHAHA - of course justin was like "WHAT!!??" LOLOL xoxox
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