President, Past President, President-Elect... wow I am so last season!!!

"Speeeech"- I hate public sobbing (i am not a cute cryer) I can handle public speaking, but my presentations are more like improv comedy rather than soppy love scene. It took all I had to limit the tears to the few that fell...

My Board of Directors - I will never forget these fabulous ladies that I love so very much!
Justin came home with Dane and I for my Annual JLGWH Spring Banquet where I officially relinquished my crown as the President. The event was a wonderful tribute to the work of our organization and a celebration of our fabulous membership. The 2009/2010 Officers were installed along with the Incoming President, Wendy Morris. While, it has been an emotional journey of hard work, (sometimes frustrating and sometimes thrilling) but always rewarding and empowering. In the same breath, I am humbled by the experience and am amazed by the women, with whom I have had the priveledge to get to know. I am so proud to be a member of the oirganization and so thankful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I look forward to seeing all that is in store, and to re-uniting with my childen... LOL!!! To read my full Annual Report, go to www.jlgwh.blogspot.com