My sweet little baby's blonde curly cues and ringlet ringers are gone! I can honestly say, however, that it was time. Not because of the constant ridicule and remarks about my angels gorgeous locks (you know who you are) or the fact that was often identified by strangers as a girl (ps, this totally did not bother me, he is just that beautiful!). It really was just becoming too difficult to manage. Each night conditioning and combing and tangles, and Dane did not enjoy the after bath routine mommy had to carry out for the high-maintenance, toddler mane taming! Take the poll to right and tell us Which Dane Wore it Best!?
Can you say Mullet...not just any mullet either....a "Georgia Bulldog Fan Mullet" love you Dane but as my big sis used to say, "only someone who truly loves you tells you the truth when asked how does this look?!"
hahah - now weebs you KNOW that boy was lookin good rock-a-mullet! (get it ..."rock-a-pony", maybe we need to get him the bumpit!)
Can you say Mullet...not just any mullet either....a "Georgia Bulldog Fan Mullet" love you Dane but as my big sis used to say, "only someone who truly loves you tells you the truth when asked how does this look?!"
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