A busy Friday at the office and home for a quick change for a private couples wine tasting with 16 of my closest friends. We had such a great evening at Quality Street Kitchen, the wine and food pairings were amazing and everyone had a wonderful time! What a nice way to end the busy work week.
Sunday, February 27
Thursday, February 24
Tuesday, February 22
Kick Them Nasty Thoughts
Top & Skirt: Banana Republic
Scarf: Gap
Belt: Macy's
Boots: Kohls
I heard the most upsetting report today. Recent study conducted by GLAMOUR magazine found that the majority of women 'hate' their bodies. While my body is not the model-esque figure that I admittedly often pine over, I was [somewhat] shocked to hear the results of this study reporting that women hate their body and have, on average, 13 negative body thoughts daily. With over 97% of women reporting that they have "I hate my body" moments daily, and girls as young as 6 years old already unhappy with their physical appearance.
The subject matter expert noted that women have trained themselves to be this way. “Neuroscience has shown that whatever you focus on shapes your brain. If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts about your body, that neural pathway becomes stronger—and those thoughts become habitual,” explained Keary-Cooke.
The best way to end this self induced abuse? STOP. Just stop those negative thoughts the minute the begin to creap up. Neurons that fire together wire together, continually dwelling in this negative space can create real body image issues. So, here is to celebrating the curves, skin, hair, lips, nose, toes and everything in between that makes you beautiful! This is one of the reasons I remix. To face my fears about plump thighs or chubby knees. To express myself in creative ways and put it out there loud and proud. Girlfriends unite - tell your sistas how beautiful they are!
Monday, February 21
21 Salute
I think it comes from growing up in Disney territory or perhaps years of costumes and dance, but I tend to indulge in cheesy holiday-themed apparel, when the opportunity presents itself. This patriotic shoulder bag comes in handy a few times throughout the year. Today I dressed comfy and went to work on what was a holiday for many. Knowing the office would be quiet, I wanted to take advantage of some quiet time to accomplish those lingering projects. Plus, I get to bank the floating holiday for a time when we have something fun planned.
Cardi: JCREW
Top: Gap
Top: Gap
Pants: Banana Republic
Shoes: do-over
Sunday, February 20
Simple Sundays
My little guy did not want to go church this morning. His attitude quickly changed with the promise of 3 m&m's on the car ride over. Don't judge.
Happy 3-Day Weekend everyone!
Second Shift Saturday
All moms are 'working' moms. Whether they work outside the home, or are the CEO of the house (and laundry, and kids, and education, and finances, and, and [you get the picture!]). I often refer to the latter duties as the second shift, the work that begins after the day job. Moms never get a lunch break or a day off. So this post is dedicated to that labor of love. The Saturdays that consist of grocery shopping, basketball games, birthday parties, and laundry (consecutively). The Saturdays that start with a long list of fun sewing projects and crafting ideas that are abandoned when your son wants to shoot some hoops with you outside or remembers he has a science project due on Monday. Funny thing is, it is this work that brings us so much joy. Through the chaos is an exciting adventure where the four of us are holding hands and diving in. The fleeting moments of magic are like twine wrapped around my sweet little family, that makes us in this thing together.
Friday, February 18
Sunset Bay Vistas, Day 18
view from the back deck of Breton Bay Golf & Country Club
Top: JCP Penney
Pants: the Loft
Shoes: Gap
Bag: H&M in NYC
(one of my favorite shopping trips w/my mom & sis)
On Friday afternoons it is nice to wind down at the country club. The boys run in, hug Dad and are off to the driving range to practice their swing. You can find me on the back deck with the ladies sipping a cocktail and watching a especially gorgeous sunset over the bay.
Thursday, February 17
Wednesday, February 16
A frazzled day 16!
Green Top: Simply Vera
Cream Pants: Banana Republic
Earrings: Stella & Dot
Pearls: hmmm, Claires?
(purchased just after SATC - remember when SJP wore them to bed?)
This is the picture of a frazzled {Glam} Mom! Meetings, and fundraisers, and practice oh my! I could go on and on here about all that women are expected to achieve in a given day, but I don't have to tell you, right?
Tuesday, February 15
Monday, February 14
Be Mine
Hot Pink Top: Banana Republic
Boots: Cole Hann
Cheetah Skirt: JCPenney
Skirt...well I picked this little treasure up on the sale rack at JCP and then saw it in my Feb copy of Family Circle. Now, I enjoy this mag for the recipes, parenting tips, etc not necessarily for the avant garde fashion (can you say mom jeans?). That said I am still rocking the mom cheetah skirt, because, well it's mine, I HAD IT FIRST!
Skirt...well I picked this little treasure up on the sale rack at JCP and then saw it in my Feb copy of Family Circle. Now, I enjoy this mag for the recipes, parenting tips, etc not necessarily for the avant garde fashion (can you say mom jeans?). That said I am still rocking the mom cheetah skirt, because, well it's mine, I HAD IT FIRST!
What a 'lovely' (clever, I know) Valentine's Day! My favorite, tulips, were delivered to me at the office. Of course all the girls swooned, but I assured them that my cabinets are full of vases from floral deliveries from the many years of being married to a Professional Golfer. ...(he is in trouble a lot!). My husband travels and many times during the in-season, I am a single mom. Golf torchers my family which you can read more about at my Golf Widow Blog (more active in the warmer months). While no marriage or individual is perfect, I feel so blessed that God has blessed my marriage.
I am having the time of my life with the love of my life.
I am having the time of my life with the love of my life.
Special thank you to my in-laws for babysitting 2 little boys on a chocolate high while Mom and Dad enjoyed a romantic Italian dinner at Digiovanni's on the bay. Oh, did I mention that my 8-year old shared his first real Valentine's crush? He made a special Valentines for an adorable cutie pie in his class that read "I think you're neat." This is where mommy's heart broke a little, they grow up too too fast!
Sunday, February 13
Friday, February 11
Thursday, February 10
A Perfect 10!
Pants: Banana Republic
Button Up: Gap
Sweater: Simply Vera
Jacket: Old Navy
Necklace: Tiffany's
The husband that is. Day ten of this challenge is a simple reminder of how amazing my husband is and how fortunate I feel each and every day to have such an exciting, passionate marriage to my very best friend. This time of year romance is definately in the air, and today I wore the gorgeous gift I recieved from the hubs on Valentine's Day last year. **sigh**
Yep, a perfect 10 alright!
Wednesday, February 9
Work Your Closet
Glam Mom debuts on fashion blogger site. Be sure to check out the spotlight feature of Work Your Closet showcasing the shirt turned scarf trick. Please show some love to this blog for featuring lil ol me! :-)
hump-tee dumptee
Tuesday, February 8
Little Black Dress
This little black dress is one of my favorite things. And now, I can't help humming a little Julie Andrews (Sound of Music - who's with me?) ...here are a few of my favorite things.
- Hot Tea
- Bedtime stories
- SATC reruns
- A day on the golf course with the hubs
- Shopping with my son (he is a good little shopper)
- My vintage dress form
- Morning run along Coronado Bay
- Brown bag lunches with special notes
- Cocktail Hour
- The perfect bite
- Road Trips
- The tickle monster
- Smartphones
- Top 25 (reasons he loves me)
- Spanx
- Saturday mornings with cartoons and cuddles
Monday, February 7
Monday is Day 7
Inspiration for today's look! Adorable pocket tissues I picked up at Michaels this weekend while shopping for Valentine's Day craft supplies for the boys' school card exchange.
Cheering for the Team with the Best Costumes!
A family fun laid-back Sunday was infused with the excitement of Superbowl 45! I don't love football, and usually cheer for the team with cutest costumes (aka uniforms) bud-ump-pshh! At least Superbowl is fun for the party and to watch the ads.
We entertain quite a bit, but with a Sunday night event, the Superbowl is a too late for my school-age boys. That said, we hosted a party for the Heimers' party of four, with a pizza cookoff! We are a bit competitive and enjoy a friendly match, no matter what the event or ingredients!
We entertain quite a bit, but with a Sunday night event, the Superbowl is a too late for my school-age boys. That said, we hosted a party for the Heimers' party of four, with a pizza cookoff! We are a bit competitive and enjoy a friendly match, no matter what the event or ingredients!
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