We went to the desolated pumpkin patch yesterday for some additional supplies for the Heimer Haunted House on Horseshoe Lane. MY neighborhood is so fun during Halloween we always have an early potluck dinner in the back cul-de-sac, a hay ride and then we sneak away to finalize our Haunted House! It has become quite the anticipated tradition and, of course, we have just as much fun doing it. It is more like a scare zone as we set the path through the house and out the side lanai and they screaming for the street! We also love the neighborhood "Boo". If you haven't started this tradition in your neighborhood, you just have to, it is so fun! *(The faux fur wrap pictured here is a Tiger Lily custom piece, this limited edition garmet is going fast - order yours today!)
Wednesday, October 29
Happy Fall
We went to the desolated pumpkin patch yesterday for some additional supplies for the Heimer Haunted House on Horseshoe Lane. MY neighborhood is so fun during Halloween we always have an early potluck dinner in the back cul-de-sac, a hay ride and then we sneak away to finalize our Haunted House! It has become quite the anticipated tradition and, of course, we have just as much fun doing it. It is more like a scare zone as we set the path through the house and out the side lanai and they screaming for the street! We also love the neighborhood "Boo". If you haven't started this tradition in your neighborhood, you just have to, it is so fun! *(The faux fur wrap pictured here is a Tiger Lily custom piece, this limited edition garmet is going fast - order yours today!)
Start a "Boo" In Your Neighborhood

The air is cool the season fall, soon Halloween will come to all. The spooks are
after things to do--in fact, a spook brought this to you. “BOO” is a shield from
witching hour, just hang it up and watch its power. On your front door is where it
works, it wards off spooks and scary jerks. The treats that came with crypted
note, are yours to keep, enjoy them both. The power comes when friends like you, will copy this and make it TWO. Then others here among our friends, will give warm fuzzies that do not end. We’ll all have smiles upon our faces, no one will know who “BOO”ed whose places. Just one short day to work your spell, or a big ZAP will strike your tail. And don’t forget a nifty treat, like something cute or something sweet. Please join fun, let’s really hear it--and spread some “BOO”s and Halloween spirit.
Sunday, October 26
Talk about a Power Couple!

It didnt take long for me to get homesick and miss my boys terribly. I was ready to click my red heels and leave Kansas City and kiss my angels. Justin did a great job holding down the fort and Jackson assured me that it was "boys-only rules" while mom was out! After some RR and QT with my sweet babies, Justin and I put them in their jammies as they were excited to go to Aunt Weebles and Unc Chads (who apparently ALWAYS plays games and does fun stuff!
My friend, tennis buddy, and Grace mom Jennifer Myers and her husband, PJ, know how to throw a party and each year they do just that! The Halloween Spooktacular was the perfect unwind after a long trip. Did I mention how much I love Halloween? Costuming, nightlife, my birthday - yep, it's my favorite.
We're not in Kansas Anymore

I have the uniqe priveledge to have my dear friend Wendy Morris, also as my President Elect. The two of us, JLGWH-obsessed, supermoms kissed the husbands and kids & squealed as our plane took off for Kansas City on Thursday for the National Fall AJLI Leadership Conference. By Friday afternoon we were overwhelmed by the pages of notes and information, we had absorbed regarding more effective Board of Directors meetings, the future trends in volunteering, and the Associations new proposed vision that was somewhat controversial.
We were thrilled that our very own brain-child, our custom JLGWH Family Organizer was featured in the Boutique at this national convention, we were beaming with pride! Our last class of the conference was on social What an opportunity for learning and Wendy and I felt so proveledged to network with such great leaders from all over the nation (even the Mexico City League's President) and to be the representing delegates from our own League.
Wednesday, October 22
Enjoyed Speaker Oscar Arias from Tony Robbins Group

A great EPCAR Luncheon today, with other affiliates, Christina Moore, and Julie McGee. The workshop was enlightening, and especially meaningful in the economic times focusing on how limiting your beliefs will destroy your dreams. Focus and beliefs are where your power lies. Belief is a feeling of certainty, that affects our potential, actions, and in turn results. It is easy in these difficult times become negative and repeat the internal, self-defeating language of excuses instead of results. I am not making money, because of the market, etc. If we constantly recite a negative internal language about any of the factors in our life: love, success, family, health, this becomes your focus and limits your belief of personal success. YOUR BELIEFS = YOUR RESULTS.
I have enjoyed the message of Anthony Robbins and his mind over matter teachings for years and Mr. Arias put a new perspective relating it to our current economic times. I appreciate EPCAR for bringing us this engaging speaker today and am hoping to complete Robbins' "Crossfire" intensive workshop in NYC (i know right!) in March. Visit www.tonyrobbins.com for more of his great literature (The Millionare Maker by Lora Langemeier is a must read!)
National Leslie Heimer Day
What great friends and family I have, to make my birthday so very special! Birthdays are so fun, or as I like to call National Leslie Heimer Day! Funny how like everything that happens on your birthday is magical and fortunate, when on a normal day you would certainly realize that the red light was slowing you down instead of thinking, "how lucky that I am stopped at this redlight, otherwise i would have never seen that gorgeous rose bush"! Sooo, here are some pictures of some of my well wishes and most thoughtful suprises from my birthday.
So creative! I just love my JL crew and our special *J*- she is the best!
The girls in the office (which of course includes my mom and sister) made me this wonderfully kind and thoughtful coupon book!! I just loved it complete with all of my favorite things! This on reads "good for 1/2 of a Sugarfree Amp energy drink and a shot of B12" (pictured is my fav drink!) Ahhh... thanks Di!
Obviously I had to wear one of my own designs on my big day to add to the Fabulosity!
My girlfriends love my designs, well sometimes! Jill (aka Jillbert) gave me one of my favorite gifts! You think they're tring to tell me something!?! I just love it! 

The smallest things are usually my favorite, as they are the most thoughtful. For breakfast Justin made my favorite, eggwhite omlett, and stuck a candle in, while jackson played happy birthday on his guitar for me! Then Jackson and Dane gave me thier most thoughtful gift, a magazine for my trip. Not just any magazine, STAR, a trashy gossip one make-up free celebs gracing the cover. This is just the confidence booster I needed! (isn't it funny how you always notice a few more lines on your birthday? All day was sprinkled with loving phone calls and facebook postings, pop-ins with ice cream cake! (Thanks *A*) and cards and gifts. Of course, the highlight was when my knight in shining armor whisked me out of the office, and off to dinner at my favorite Season's 52 in orlando. We were home by 9 to pick up the kids from my generous sister and brother in law to find Dane with a small hemotoma (ok it was a goose egg) and Jackson lost his front tooth. Reality check mommy! Thank you to everyone for such a special day, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF YOU WHO SEEMED TO INSIST ON WISHING ME A HAPPY _ _ st Birthday!

The smallest things are usually my favorite, as they are the most thoughtful. For breakfast Justin made my favorite, eggwhite omlett, and stuck a candle in, while jackson played happy birthday on his guitar for me! Then Jackson and Dane gave me thier most thoughtful gift, a magazine for my trip. Not just any magazine, STAR, a trashy gossip one make-up free celebs gracing the cover. This is just the confidence booster I needed! (isn't it funny how you always notice a few more lines on your birthday? All day was sprinkled with loving phone calls and facebook postings, pop-ins with ice cream cake! (Thanks *A*) and cards and gifts. Of course, the highlight was when my knight in shining armor whisked me out of the office, and off to dinner at my favorite Season's 52 in orlando. We were home by 9 to pick up the kids from my generous sister and brother in law to find Dane with a small hemotoma (ok it was a goose egg) and Jackson lost his front tooth. Reality check mommy! Thank you to everyone for such a special day, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF YOU WHO SEEMED TO INSIST ON WISHING ME A HAPPY _ _ st Birthday!
Sunday, October 19
Everythings Right on a Saturday Night

Jackson Morris' Mad Science Party!

MAd ScIeCnE PaRTy for Jackson Morris today was gooey fun! What a terrific concept and even betters- a real scientist taught us the laws of physics, bouyancy and suck in som elearning right before we made our own slime, climbed the rock wall, and enjoyed the moonwalk. What a great party!
Next it was a quick costume change for the next show. And a Japanese show it was. Inspired by my favorite pregnancy dish...sushi! (the non-dangerous variety) This costume seemed simple enough, in my mind, but was quite the task to construct and even more difficult to convince Dane, that in fact, it isn't dangerous. It was a cardboard shape that fit right over his head (pictured above)but he wasnt going for it when their music to dance to! Jackson's inflatable Sumo wrestler was also a hit and Mommy's Giesha Girl was very comfy! Regardless of Dane's absent costume (which left remnants of styrofome all over the country club) he continued to steal the show. He is a dancing fool and the members and guests just couldn't get enough! Each year we get the boys 2 costumes. They are so rough on the fabric, it's usually soiled or stained, after just one use. Besides, you simply can't be seen wearing the same outfit, to more than one engagement, in the same season :-) We are missing our Justin and can't wait to see him tomorrow. He was excited to see how our costumes turned out so I promised to post as soon as I got home. LYE

On Friday night I joined my friend, Leslie, downtown for the Chamber's Oktoberfest. We enjoyed Bratwurst, sampled interesting ale, and caught up with friends, Scott and Melanie Truesdell, who had just returned from Vegas! What a gorgeous evening, the weather was perfect! My favorite lager was the Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar, it had a coffee taste and was very smooth. There was also a ginger tasting brew that was a crowd pleaser.
Wednesday, October 15
It's the little things
I just had to share this adorable parenting lifesaver, a.k.a kid's coupon book that our son looks forward to each day, after a good report from his teacher. This small reward (which is usually a minimal act or token) is something our whole family enjoys doing, as it brings our family closer and forces us to remember the little joys in life, like picking out what is for dinner on Friday, an extra 5 minutes of storytime, or a standing ovation each time the recipient enters the room (that one is so fun!). The book is from the Hallmark Gift books collection. I purchased it at CVS for $5.95, and it has been such a treasure. The anticipation is so exciting and the coupon themselves are just fun. Jackson is eager to share his report from school and rarely forgets his chance at the coupon draw. P.S. they also have them for lovers which of course I couldn't resist. They are great to leave in J's golf bag every now and then!
Monday, October 13
Family Traditions

We enjoyed a relaxed Waters family reuinion this weekend. With busy schedules it is a testament when families make time to renew their relationships and pinch the chubby cheeks of the sweet kids that "have grown up so fast!" It is always amazing to see how big each new cousin has gotten and enjoy their company, catching up, and renewing the ties that bind. Hosted at Ned & Rhonda Waters' gorgeous home and sprawling property was a treat for the kids. Since my grandmother Waters passed away and then losing my Aunt Jerry (Jerry Lynn Waters Langford) to cancer and then my cousin Crystal Waters Carmichael, it seems as though much of our time in the past years has been spent grieving. Fortunately, for our family, my Aunt Rhonda has been the glue. Christmastime traditions and those throughout the year, have been sprinkled with her special touch. She made halloween goodie bags for the kids and had a pumpkin painting station. She decided on painting pumpkins instead of carving; may not be the best activity, kids with knives...nsm! The rich history and traditions that both Justin's and my families are blessed with. The food ia always yummy. Pictured above is a delicious homemade guava cake with cream cheese icing and Dane couldn't get enough homemade ice cream!
Saturday, October 11
Red Cross Benefit

Last night Justin and I enjoyed a delicious 7-course meal prepared by award winning Executive Chef, Randal White. The Jubilee Resturaunt at Cypress Gardens was nicely lit and well decorated. The meal was prepared as we all watched on, with lots of "bam" and "bada-bing" excitement. Guests were inspired to wow our friends with the same techniques, at our next dinner party. Isn't my hubby just so gorgeous, and cleans up well! I just love this suit on him and am not sure what was more irresistable the food or him :-) Of course, Justin was still hungry after we left, but the food was excellent. Click on this link for more on Chef Randy. http://www.ocala.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070531/ENTERTAINMENT/205310330&SearchID=732828256154
current market stress relief

The East Polk County Association of Realtors provide a fun social once a month that real estate related professionals can relax and enjoy a cocktail in a no-pressure environment, much different from the crazy climate we now operate in. Pictured with me are Shane Glor, Nan Webster and Brian Beerwagon (yes that is his real name). Fun group and I enjoyed a martini with them before heading off to meet my hubby for our event.
Thursday, October 9
gamblers anonymous

The rumors are true, despite the number of times you may have seen Justin pulling up at the McDonalds drive thru. We do strive to achieve a healthy diet. Well, at least the kids and I do. Justin actually gets so much more exercise, on the course, that 6 to 10 double cheesburgers a week is a wash (keep telling yourself that honey-) he can afford a few indulgences. Recently, when J called me, minutes after leaving Mickey D's to announce what was "the most exciting news ever", even I had a small sparkle of hope. Given the current economic crises coupled with my husband's eating habits, McD's monopoly couldn't have come at a better time! We've all been through times in our life where the palette's standards must waiver a bit to rise to the occasion... and my hubby, has been loving some double cheese burgers with a large unsweet tea. Not that his palette isn't discerning - no, no - it's a simple cost/benefit analysis. He certainly can decipher the good, the bad, and the sushi, but there isn't much that can compete with the 99 cents menu.
What do you think about the monopoly game? Wanna go a round or combine pieces? If not just bring your peices to 950 1st Street, Ste 103, Winter Haven, FL for recycling. Gambling and fast food, you gotta love this country.
Monday, October 6
Duty Done

I tried to fight the panic that began to set in Sunday night when the pre-recorded message listed my number to report this morning for Jury Duty. After a little fit noting the typical "i have so much to do, there is no way I can be "out" rant, I decided to embrace my civic duty and the judicial system that is such a privelege in our country. I even began to get a bit excited. Having taken a few criminology courses in college while on my (1st of 4 changes in major) track for a law degree, I was certain that I was going to make an impact. After a long (and I mean long!) day of n-o-t-h-i-n-g but sitting and waiting, my panel (a # I was assigned) was released to leave at 4pm. So my big day left me with this profound understanding. WHAT IN THE HELL WOULD I HAVE DONE WITHOUT MY BLACKBERRY? (although, i may have to conceed that the iphone may be the better device as my thumb is literally raw from the roller ball.)
Happy Anniversary

To our secret family weapon! Our Nanny, a.k.a "Gran-nan" is such an important member of our family,and is our glue behind the scenes, allowing Justin and I to keep all of the balls in the air, while she handles the most important job. Gnan came into our lives last October, when my infant son had been in childcare for a 5 week stint of soul wrenching separation anxiety, numerous ear infections, and more antibiotics than I care to think about. Like many families we knew that we could cut out other expenses and would figure out a way to afford what was no longer a luxury but a necessity. This was certainly the best decision we could have made for our busy family and my youngest son that already suffered from a weakend immune system, and asthma, due to premature birth. Our Gran Nan is such a blessing and our lives would not be complete without her. She truly loves both of our boys as if they were her own and is like a mother to both Justin and I. Our families call her the modern-day Mary Poppins. She is always as neat as a pin in appearence and mannerisms and keeps our home so tidy and warm and everything goes down with a spoon full of sugar. Having Granan not only gives us peice of mind that the boys are loved, cared for but allows us to actually enjoy them and make the most of our quality time. In the evenings we can roll on the floor (elbow drops and monkey piling is a family fav), read a book, or play a game without the distractions of housework and laundry and errands all of the things that would normally devour our precious quality time. As a working mother with that frequent creeping guilt, she is my secret super power. Thank you Nan, for completing us and for all that you do may seem to go unnoticed... because it doesn't!
Sunday, October 5
I guess that's just the cowboy in me

We enjoyed the Silver Spurs rodeo Saturday night, in Kissimmee. My dad is the event coordinator and what an event it was! Jackson had a blast and the bucking broncos and wild horse race was wildly entertaining! An air conditioned gorgeous arena, concessions and even orginal art and retail for sale, what a fun time for families. Jackson participated in the boot scramble and of course loved seeing Aunt weeble (above signing an autograph for a fan), Uncle Chad and the gang. My Uncle Ned is a brilliant artist and his paintings were featured at the Heritage Days event preceeding the rodeo. ... and of course, no event is complete without the perfect ensemble, with the new "Justin" hat,and his snug jeans, my golfer was a cowboy for the night, and let me be the first to say: "cowboy butts, drive 'em nuts"!
One man's junk...
is another man's treasure, or so the saying goes. It turns out, I am pretty attached, sentimentally, to much of our "junk" and Justin and I spent the morning debating over just what the other thought should be the blue light special! Every other year our community lifts the deed restrictions to engage in a fun and well organized community-wide garage sale. Justin was in heaven, cooler stocked, as he greeted the 200+ shoppers that visited our sale. We made a little fun money and gained a new garage! Jackson and Dane were a big help with free lemonade and baked goods for our guests' shopping pleasure. 

Thursday, October 2
Stella Chanel Heimer
An early birthday present!

October is my fav! Of course, my 28th Birthday and I just love Fall, the weather, and we get a little crazy about halloween at our hourse too, something about the costumes and dress up! My thoughtful angel of a sister, LuJean, suprised me with the best birthday present I could possible recieve!! Not one, but two antique dress forms like the ones pictured above now adorn my sewing nook. I love them so much and they are absolutely perfect, with the push-pin covering, original mechanical wind up base to allow for table-top or upright. You can't imqagine how much easier this makes my sewing projects - and now Justin doesnt have to be my model/manequin during fittings! Thank you sissy, i can't wait to finish the faux fur wrap I am making for my trip to Kansas City.
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