My annual 29th Birthday, (National Leslie Heimer Day) was an exciting on as I celebrated with some new collegues, in a new town, as a new Southern Maryland resident. Traditionally my mom, sister and I head to NYC for a fall shopping excursion for my birthday, but with so many changes this year, we just couldn't swing it. Though missing my friends and family back home, but they carried the torch in celebrating National Leslie Heimer Day back in FL. My new MD friends and family, along with my sweet boys showered me with well wishes, suprises and hugs. My hubby made my day super sweet here on the East Coast and we celebrated with a romantic dinner at
Corbels downtown

and then went across the street to our fav "chillaxing" spot,
Old Towne Pub for dessert and cocktails!
Knowing how much I have been missing my girlfriends, he suprised me with tickets to make it home for our annual SHOPFEST at the
JLGWH Merry Market with my girls.
IN ADDITION...(that little sweetie pie) had me open a box of golf balls only to find a new camera! After having 4 cameras in the past 2 years, J vowed that the 'ol Blackberry camera phone would be the one and only. Entirely inadequate with two young children (and a blog to maintain...hello!?) looks like he has finally given in and I love my new
Sony Cybershot Noted Fashion Photographer
Nigel Barker has one (perhaps a slightly different model than mine - lol) My camer it has built in photo shoping tool that adds touch ups. Yes, imagine the time I save now!hahaha Thanks dollface!